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Great Gatsby Essay

The Great Gatsby is an American classic that has been read and taught for many years. It truly is a good book but with its many key elements that make the reader think. What makes Jay Gatsby so great? Well I want to try and make as many points as I can to try and explain why Jay Gatsby is so great My first reason why Jay Gatsby is Great is because he was a good person. And what I mean by that is that he was very educated in his speech and mind he was a good person not only to nick but to daisy and those around him. Now gatsby always kept his calm no matter what the situation for example Gatsby kept his composure when he was being pressed by Tom and it made him look like a real well mannered person. I was always told that the people that give in and let the anger take a hold of them is the weaker person because it makes you do things that are said out of anger and frustration. So that makes him great in one way. My second reason why he is great is his wealth.  Now being wealthy does a

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